This has been the rallying cry of the theatre department since our 2017 mainstage season. We have worked that our stages were full of narratives representing the beautiful spectrum of the human experience throughout our country and world.
However, as we did this work in mainstage offerings, the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain has reinvigorated our consciousness and fight for and with Black Lives. Watching the attacks of our Asian Pacific Islander Communities as this terrifying pandemic continues to dramatically shift the practice of theatre specifically and our way of life generally, as we set our actions for equity on fire. Holding the pain and joy of marginalized races, religions, genders, and sexualities at the forefront of our collective consciousness has demanded us to re-examine our duty in being active activists, advocates, allies, and educators in the continued fight for Intersectional Equity!
Our current priority is the #WeDOCHere Campaign in which we will hold ourselves accountable to Decolonizing Our Curriculum! We Pledge Allegiance to an Alternative Curriculum, full of the joys, the heartaches, the beauty, and the brilliance of a collective intersectional culture. We pledge to feature queer voices, transgender voices, femme voices, BIPOC voices, voices from marginalized religious communities with vibrancy, and nuanced perspectives. We pledge to be bold in how we teach and what we teach. We pledge to artists not plagued or silenced by the patriarchy of eurocentric narratives and theatrical expectations.
Please stay tuned as we post playwrights, choreographers, directors, characters we will be featuring this year in our curriculum, and take the pledge with us to DECOLONIZE YOUR CURRICULUM.