Our Middle School Theatre Arts program works to connect artist-scholars’ voice, body, and imagination to the creation of character for the stage. Artist-scholars successfully completing middle school theatre training at SPA will understand:
1. Theatre Terminology
2. Improvisational Skills
3. Specificity of Pantomime
4. Creation of Dynamic Character
5. Audition Technique (Resume/Headshot)
6. Basics of Play Structure
7. Basics of Technical Theatre
8. Basics of Play Production
9. Basics of Theatre History
Introduction to Theatre 1
In this course, artist-scholars will be introduced to theatre terminology, a brief overview of theatre history, theatre games connecting voice, body, and imagination, improvisation, stock character & lazzi creation, resume and headshot design, and expectation of the audition.
Introduction to Scene Study
In this course, artist-scholars will build on their Introduction to Theatre 1 knowledge by learning the basics of scene analysis (identifying Goal, Obstacle, Tactics and Expectations). Their skill will build through practice of active writing (monologues) and writing dialogue. The class will culminate with the performance of an original or published one-act play.
Emerging Scene Study
In this course, artist-scholars will deepen their understanding of scene and monologue creation and performance. They will be introduced to the basics of scene analysis, learning to identify the character wants and to identify operative words in texts. Strengthening and expanding their connection to voice and body, through crafting a solo silent film piece with pantomime. Artist-scholars will also integrate their learned skills through performed scene work and analysis of Desarrollo by Juliany Tevaras.
Deepening the Ensemble
In this course, artist-scholars will continue strengthening audition/performance technique and scene analysis, basic elements of play structure, scene analysis, and basic elements of technical theatre (set design, costume design, make-up design). This education will be facilitated through the production of play during their first semester. artist-scholars will also write and produce their own 5-7 minute plays to be performed and produced in a series.
Voice and Movement 1
This course will deepen student's technique training in Meredith Monk's Vocal Technique, Laban Movement Technique, and Musical Theatre Dance technique.